In the beginning

On Monday 6th December my husband of over 28 years declared that he is leaving me for another woman. Apparently I have done nothing wrong and he still loves me but is not 'in love' with me.

His affair started around 18 months ago by 'the other woman' contacting and propositioning him on facebook. Now he is no angel as he should have said no - but why would a woman deliberately set out to break up a marriage that was not in trouble just because hers was on the rocks ? To be fair to my husband he told me after I noted that he seemed to be distant - at least I didn't find out via some other route !

We tried twice to make a go of it but both times she managed to come back into his life again opening up wounds and making him think again of her never really giving us a chance. She claims she is 'thick' but I think she targeted him as she could see what a wonderful man is he and wanted him to replace her broken marriage (by her I hasten to add). I also think she is a manipulating *****.

I still love my husband as he is my soulmate and always has been and also was my best friend. So not only has she stolen my husband, she has stolen my soulmate and my best friend.

This blog will hopefully be therapeutic for me and maybe help others who find themselves in a similar situation xx

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Third Easter since he left

In theory I could have the Decree Absolute now (as from Friday) but the finance side of things are still not sorted and the cost of the solicitors is getting higher ! My husband is still being fair having written to his solicitors to tell them he doesn't want any part of my pension. I really could do with this finishing now as it is constantly on my mind :-( I have already paid him a sixth of what he is asking for and he admitted to me yesterday that he hasn't saved any of it.

Recently I have had loads of lovely comments about my weight loss. It does make me feel great and I am determined to meet my target. So far I have lost just over four stone but I've treated myself to a chocolate egg this Easter so probably will put a little on this week. It is actually quite amusing when people don't recognise me - which happened three times last Saturday.

This is the third Easter since my husband left me for the manipulating ***** and I have been pretty much alone this weekend. I find myself very torn as whilst I enjoy being with people I find it easier to just stay in alone. Sad isn't it. I just cant be bothered sometimes to make an effort.

 I managed to finish my very last OU assignment and all being well I will find out around June whether I have my degree and what classification. Its a bit weird not having to study ! But I plan to use the time once I have finished the two shows I am in to do more photography.

I had thought to try and arrange a holiday for me this weekend but I am so indecisive and can't decide what to do. Everything I fancy is so expensive - part of me says so what treat yourself and part of me thinks I can't afford to spend so much on one holiday.

In conversations with others they have asked if I would have my husband back still - and the answer is yes - I still love him and miss him terribly.

I did a bit of DIY this weekend - managed to get the handle back on the door and sand down some furniture the cat has been scratching - I was quite proud of myself :-)

I'm really enjoying my dancing at the moment and walking around my work site every day. I do need more exercise - dancing/walking as I'm not keen on the gym. Something to work on......

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Only a few more weeks....

I got a letter from the solicitor confirming the Decree Nici was agreed on 14th Feb. if all is agreed around the finances then the Decree Absolute goes through on 29th March. Good Friday and 19 days from today :-(

It's been a month since I last wrote, so what has happened since .....

I've been working hard and late and out in the evenings at rehearsals, dance class, drama workshop and I've just started a few singing lessons to try and improve that too. So I'm busy busy in the week but weekends still tend to be me alone. Last Saturday I worked behind the bar serving coffee for the theatre groups book sale. I quite enjoy being behind the bar - I guess it's because I get to talk to folk.

This last week has been more hectic as I was in the US on business from Sunday to Thursday and then went on the Photography weekend Friday to today in Dorset. The weather wasn't great but it was a nice group of people and I learnt a lot. I've got a cold now probably down to the jet lag combined with 4:30am starts the last two days. I'm so glad I have a day off work tomorrow to catch up on things.

Weight wise I have now lost 3 stone and 9 pounds but after this weekend which included a lovely meal for Mother's Day made by my daughters i'll be lucky if I stay the same. I fear I will put on....
However I'm getting loads of nice comments including being called 'hot' and 'fit' !! I want to try and lose another two if I can and my target is the two weddings I have invites for in September. I'd like to have lost  another stone by the show at the beginning of June first.

My daughter and I have signed up for the race for life in July. So something to aim for. I actually thought I was much fitter but the big hills I had to walk up and down these last two days were knackering. I expect to feel it in the legs tomorrow.

My youngest daughter has decided to get a pet hedgehog ( the African Pygmy type). I'm not too sure about it but she is going to have it in her room and it seems to not need too much attention. I wonder what the cats will make of it. Anyhow that comes the beginning of April.

I've been trying to figure out what to do for a holiday this year. I just don't know what to do. Loads of ideas but I'm so indecisive and everything seems so expensive for one. I'll probably not sort anything and then wonder why I have so much holiday left at work !

And emotionally how am I? Still get tears when talking about my husband leaving me and going through divorce. So not there yet. It's best I keep busy so I can't think about it and the less I see or hear from him the better too.